Careyou Beauty專業團隊於10年間,在日系舒適整潔的店面環境中,以助人為快樂之源的理念,致力追求永久不衰的審美力,配合精湛技術,已為數萬人次提供自然時尚、仿真度高的3D立體飄眉、霧眉、眼線及髮線等療程。
半永久化妝專家 - Careyou Beauty
- 逾20,000小時半永久化妝經驗
- 逾30,000服務人次
- 顏色自然,留色度高
- 表皮上色,不傷毛囊
- 美國天然植物顏料,安全可靠
- 低結痂,恢復期短,可即時上班
- 仿真度高,效果自然,不著跡變美
- 60分鐘療程換來自由和自信的素顏,效果可達一至兩年
- 詳細講解療程前後須知,關注客人療程後心理狀況
- 安全衛生,具備醫療級衛生水平
- 環境舒適,經精心設計,讓客人放鬆享受
- 注重售後服務,接受療程之後,才是服務的開始
無微不至 無眉不治
Careyou集團創辦人及CEO Carey Cheung非常欣賞和推崇日本人的「匠人精神」。「匠人精神」是日本社會中工匠特有的「精益求精且極其認真的工作態度」,意思是琢磨至精,止於至善。從事一項專業,必須有相當程度的歷練才可成為該領域的達人。做同一件事情,要有一定時間的淬鍊,才能具有一定的水準。假如花10,000小時,才能成為某領域的專家;那麼起碼花60,000小時磨練,方能成為該領域的大師。
About Carey Cheung
Carey, a seasoned expert in the cosmetic tattoo industry, has honed her craft over 15 years, dedicating over 30,000 hours to perfecting her artistry. Drawing inspiration from her own struggles with sparse eyebrows and lashes, Carey's mission is to enhance natural beauty by skillfully reframing features, viewing the eyes as windows to the soul and brows as their elegant frame.
Her upbringing under a single mother instilled values of beauty, strength, hard work, and independence, shaping Carey's keen eye for aesthetics and nurturing her artistic sensibilities. Balancing roles as a daughter and son, mother and father, boss and server, artist and entrepreneur, Carey embodies versatility and empathy.
Advocating self-care as a foundation for caring for others, Carey constantly seeks knowledge to refine her skills and business acumen. Careyou, her academy, thrives on referrals and genuine service, eschewing celebrity endorsements for a heartfelt approach that prioritizes customer satisfaction.
Through continuous learning and evolution, Carey empowers her clients with the latest skincare insights and business strategies, embodying a philosophy that investing in oneself ultimately benefits others, fostering a community built on trust and authenticity.